What can we do for you?

There is no accepted medical classification system for the severity of nail fungus beyond mild, moderate and severe.  The Journal of the American Medical Association’s Dermatology edition published an article in 2011 that lists a classification system based on a point scale from 1-35, with 1-5 considered mild, 6-15 considered moderate, and 16-35 severe.  To determine severity, health professionals use the percent of the nail surface involved, the proximity of the infection to the nail matrix (cuticle area), along with other associated signs and symptoms like thickening of the nail, discoloration, brittleness, and distortions in shape and nail growth patterns.  Flaky skin surrounding the nail, or a rash along the bottom of your foot, indicates a concurrent fungal infection of the skin.

With more mild infections the patient may not realize they have nail fungus.
By the time the infection becomes apparent it has likely already progressed to a more serious condition requiring more focused treatment than the common at-home remedies, and over-the-counter medications, can provide.  This is the reason why it is estimated that as many as 10% or more of healthy adults suffer from toenail fungus.  For people over the age of 60 the prevalence jumps to over 50%.

It’s impossible to drastically change the way the nails appear immediately, aside from thinning and reshaping them.

The goal of treatment is to help the new nail growth to come in healthy, thin, and clear of any discoloration.

Full resolution is generally achieved through a 12-month regimen including the application of topical medications along with laser treatment.

The number of laser treatments will depend on the severity of your particular infection.

Visit our Treatment Page for more details.

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